SquashMatch Blog

Interview with a (random) squash player

By Fatema on 2012-08-09

SquashMatch interviewed Wilson Yeung, a 23 year old squash addict from Bow who can usually be found playing squash and reminiscing about all the rackets he has ever broken at Oasis Leisure Centre near Tottenham Court Road.


What is your name? Full name is Yu Ting Wilson Yeung - but I go by Wilson.

How long have you been playing squash? I've played squash randomly since I was 15, and I'm 24 in August, so that would make it around nine years.

When did you seriously get interested in squash? When I was 18 years old and was really competitive for getting on the university team.

What other sports do you play? At the moment, nothing else, but I played badminton and football at university.

Where do you normally play squash? I only play at Oasis Holborn sports centre. However once I get a job and my life sorted then I will try to aim to join a league/team somewhere.

What is your favourite shot? Hmm, that's a tough one. I have several favourites, back wall boast, backhand volley nick and the low hard drive kill. If I had to choose one, then I would say low hard drive kill because it’s fun trying to get it as low as possible.

What is your worst shot? Definitely backhand volley drive down the line. Can't keep it consistent enough! Must practice!!

Do you have any squash injuries? Over the years, I’ve had many. I’ve twisted ankles, sprained wrists, had rackets hitting my legs, arms, shoulders and face...and I’m currently sporting a bruise from a certain friend who hit the ball into me at point blank range into my back.

Who is your favourite squash player? My favourite would be Jonathon Power from Canada. He truly was a magician with his racket, and he inspires me for certain trick shots.

Have you ever injured anyone playing squash? Thinking about it, I've been fairly careful and not been able to injure anyone as I mostly call lets and stop play before people might get hurt.

How many rackets have you broken, and how? Haha! You're definitely racking my brain for this. On my count, I think around 5. Four Dunlop Aerogel pro GTs, and one Head Nano Ti 110. All of them were cracked on the frame, either at the 3/9/12 o’ clock positions because I clipped them against the wall when playing an attacking boast.

The best racket you've ever played with? I haven't tried that many rackets but out of the ones which I have briefly used, I would say Harrow Custom Spark, it just felt so comfortable and suited my style of play.

What other sports do you play? At the moment, nothing else, but before that, I played badminton and football at university.

Will you still be squashing in 5 years’ time? Yes, I will probably keep playing squash till I physically can't anymore.

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