SquashMatch Blog

Interview with a (random) squash player

By Fatema on 2013-01-09

SquashMatch interviewed Alan Duncan, a 32 year old squash addict from north London who can usually be found injuring himself and adding various lumps and bumps to his already extensive collection of injuries. He normally plays squash at Tottenham Green.

Scotland’s Finest - Alan Duncan

What is your name? Alan Duncan.

When did you seriously get interested in squash? About 3 years ago when I joined Squashmatch.

Where do you normally play squash? Tottenham Green.

What is your favourite shot? Now that would be telling. Not giving away strengths.

What is your worst shot? I've never been a fan of hitting it back off the glass.

Who is your favourite squash player? Peter Nicol.

Have you ever injured anyone playing squash? Yes. I should have called a let however I pretty much took them out...

As a Scotsman, what impact has Irn-bru had on your sporting career? Immeasurable. Naturally I make sure I get my five-a-day however I would have to credit my squash ability and magnificent physique (!) to a solid diet of Deep Fried Mars Bars and Highland Toffee.

Tell us an interesting squash-related story about yourself. It's hardly interesting but I regularly annoy commuters on the Victoria Line, lugging my squash gear into the office. What other sports do you play? I run and swim.

Will you still be squashing in 5 years time? Of course!

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