SquashMatch Blog

Interview with a random squash player - Kara Wszolek

By Fatema on 2013-04-21

SquashMatch interviewed Kara Wszolek to be our random squash interviewee. Kara can usually be found playing squash at Finsbury and Britannia Leisure Centres.


What is your name? Kara

How long have you been playing squash? About 3 years

When did you seriously get interested in squash? As soon as I first hit the ball!

Where do you normally play squash? Finsbury and Britannia Leisure Centres

What is your favourite shot? Crosscourt drive (apparently I play it all the time!)

What is your worst shot? Crosscourt volley drop.

Who is your favourite squash player? Retha Jacobs :)

Have you ever injured anyone playing squash? Yep, even recently. I hit Martin Shippey with my racket in the face. Ooopsie...

Tell us an interesting squash-related story about yourself. I fell in love on a squash court ;)

But besides that I have played squash in random but very beautiful places in South Africa. One of them was right by the beach in Camps Bay so we could cool down in the ocean after our game. And in a 35-degree heat you don't even have to warm the ball up before you start - how cool is that? ;)

Also, I had the pleasure of meeting and playing Poland's no.1 (Dominika Witkowska) on a glass court in a shopping centre in Warsaw.

Dominika Witkowska

Dominika Witkowska

What other sports do you play? I used to play handball for quite a long time. That was obviously back home, in Poland. I loved it! And volleyball. But my main sports were skiing and snowboarding. I grew up in a ski resort and trained skiing till I was about 16 of which now I am an instructor. But over here I only squash (a lot though) :)

Will you still be squashing in 5 years time? Hell yeah! (I hope so!)

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