SquashMatch Blog

Bursaries available for Level 1 + 2 coaches

By Fatema on 2014-11-17

Coaching London is offering bursaries to individuals looking get a Level 1 or Level 2 coaching qualification. Bursaries are for 75% of the course cost. This is not just for squash or racketball, but for all sports.

This funding is available to:

  • Coaches registered on Coaching London website (http://www.coachinglondon.org/).
  • All applicants must be a resident of a London Borough AND coaching in a London Borough.
  • All sports must be recognised by Sport England <Sorry, this link is no longer online>.

To apply, go to: http://www.coachinglondon.org/

Deadline for applications: Friday 30th January 2015.

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